Help in finding your dream home – contact Dale Warfel
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- Dale Warfel
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I will get back to you as quickly as possible with your results!
- Dale Warfel
These real estate reports will not only SAVE you money, but can also make you money in real estate!
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Are you giving the property to a family member, friend or charity? Do you intend to live in the property or wish to have someone else live in it? Are you giving the whole property or a partial interest in the property? Do you have tax implications that should be considered? The method by which the property is conveyed can have a major impact on the amount of tax that the IRS will claim. This could be significant if the property has a great deal of appreciation.
If you are considering giving real estate as a gift, it is imperative that you discuss your plans with your tax consultant and an attorney who specializes in real estate.
To buy or sell properties in
Home builders McStain Neighborhoods and Meritage Homes Corp. have been asking women what kinds of layouts and amenities they prefer. Their answers are important because women have made 21 percent of all recent home purchases, according to a study. And women are responsible for making the final decision about home purchases 87 percent of the time, the home builders estimate.
In response to its surveys of women buyers, Meritage has created separate workspaces for men and women. It also has added open loft areas on the second floor and located laundry rooms and craft rooms near the kitchen. It has also created homes specifically for moms or females who are working from home.
Mothers are a big voice in the renewed popularity of urban living. They want homes with porches that encourage neighborliness, and are close to the parks. The working mom just wants to make her life simple and safe and welcoming.
To buy or sell properties in
Buyers who are in the market now are usually very anxious to buy, perhaps motivated by a job transfer, marriage or divorce, birth or death in the family, down-payment gift from parents, year-end salary bonus, or other buying incentives.
As a home seller, you won't have as many prospective buyers as during the peak home sales season of March through June in most communities, but home buyers at this time of year are usually very serious.
For example, many home buyers want to close their purchases by Dec. 31 to claim the extra tax deductions, such as for loan fee points, pro-rated property taxes, and prepaid mortgage interest.
Tosell properties in Almaden Valley or Willow Glen communities, get in touch with
The reasons are (1) few home buyers are in the market during the holiday season so competition is low and (2) house and condo sellers who have their homes listed for sale now are usually highly motivated to sell and will listen to any reasonable purchase offer.
There is an additional special reason the 2006 holiday season is a great time to be a home buyer: it's a home "buyer's market" in most communities. That means even during this slow holiday season, when most unmotivated sellers take their listings off the market, there are more homes listed for sale than there are qualified buyers searching for homes.
It's a great time to be a home buyer.
To buy properties in